Everything that's coding scripts and plugins
As time passes your competitors might gain an edge over you by making the necessary investment in their platform and adding value to their products by creating new features or quality of life improvements. You want to stay ahead of the curve to maximize your profits, but in order to do so, you have to plan ahead and start the development in time.
For WordPress, it means creating or upgrading plugins for your website. Plugins are code snippets hooked into your WordPress system. They can be activated and deactivated at will without affecting the other plugins and features.
Scripts are stand-alone PHP files that create a new funcionality for your HTML website. They can comprise the entire back-end of your website.
We have also prewritten a PDF that describes the process of creating an online business from start to finish with a lot of important information. This includes which domain, website and SEO services you need. You can download the PDF here!
WebDevote offers you quality support and will teach you any skills needed to maintain your business
There is no downtime whatsoever no matter which service you order from us
Our support team is ready to help even well after we completed the work
We will also teach you any necessary skill or competency needed
These questions are the most frequently asked regarding our Scripts and Plugins services
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