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Search Engine Optimization Research

SEO Research is a necessary step in creating a sound SEO strategy


Before you even start to do any SEO you have to do research and make a decision regarding the keywords you will go for. Choosing the correct keywords is essential in maximizing traffic, ranking and exposure. Once you decide on your keywords, it's very hard to make changes later on as you already made the investments. The first thing you want to do is keyword research. Once you identified your niche and the most commonly used terminology to describe your services, you need to compare the keywords in all combinations to see which ones produce the most traffic.

YYou have to separate 2,3 and 4-word keywords as it is easier to rank for longer tail keywords. If for example, a 3-word keyword produces similar traffic then the best 2-word keyword, then you want to rank for that 3-word keyword. The only way to be sure is to do rigorous SEO and keyword research.

Finding a domain is one of the most important tasks that presents itself when you start/move your business on/to the internet. Not only you cannot change it at your whim, by changing it you lose all the SEO and brandability that comes with it. It is very important that you choose the correct domain at the beginning and stick with it!

We can find you a domain that ticks all the necessary checkboxes to make an excellent domain for your website/business. Of course, there is no guarantee that we will find one, but our success rate is fairly high!

We have also prewritten a PDF that describes the process of creating an online business from start to finish with a lot of important information. This includes which domain, website and SEO services you need. You can download the PDF here!

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